The Battle Cry of the Siamese Kitten

Nominated for the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction

The third collection in the bestselling series of stories and essays from Dr. Philipp Schott's over 30 years in practice!


"Schott has successfully added yet another collection of entertaining anecdotes to his repertoire. Known for his honest, witty, yet sentimental storytelling." - Library Journal

"These are super-short anecdotes that are super-long on endearment, with subtle advice hidden in the tales, a few LOLs thrown in for good measure, and an occasional tear-wipe." - Galveston Daily News

“While some pieces offer LOLs and some are sad, it’s all just plain entertaining. Animal owners will find lots of welcome — and readily dispersed — factoids.” — Booklist 

“Philipp Schott is not James Herriot. This book isn’t about creatures great and small in pre-war Yorkshire — but the pets that come to this Winnipeg clinic are just as entertaining.” — Chesil Magazine 

"Schott shares more funny, fear-inducing and frankly honest stories gleaned from his interactions with pets and their owners in his third non-fiction collection...  The stories are well-written, entertaining and informative for everyone who loves animals." - Winnipeg Free Press